(This is NOT my photo but that of the Cesar Millan website. I have used this photo to show that Daddy is a pit-bull yet he is not violent or scary.)
(This is NOT my photo but that of the Cesar Millan website. I have used this photo to show that Daddy is a pit-bull yet he is not violent or scary.)
I know I haven't written in awhile but I have to say that I have had writer's block. For some reason, this Chinese New Year has helped to tear down some of that wall that keeps me from writing.
But today, I have seen an article that I would like to share. So really, I'm not going to be doing a lot of writing so-to-speak but sharing this article.
Information about Daddy:
Daddy was a pit bull terrier formerly owned by rapper Redman. Eventually he asked Cesar Millan to do the training. In the end, Cesar adopted Daddy and Daddy has been by Cesar's side ever since.
Daddy broke the stereotype of the "scary and deadly dog" and showed everyone what pit bulls really are if they are consistently and properly trained to be: calm-submissive and good dogs.
He also proved that it is NOT the breed but the training and exercise.
I know most people don't understand why people react the way they do when a pet passes on, and that's sad because it means those people have never had such a bond and have never felt unconditional love.
The question is: How do we cope when our pet passes on?
According to this website there are ten tips. The one tip that I will put on this blog is to wait before getting another dog. As much as I want people to adopt and foster, if someone has just dealt with a loss of a pet, I feel that there needs to be time before getting a new one or even fostering. Wait until you are fully recovered.
I would just like to thank Daddy and Cesar Millan for opening my eyes and showing me things that I needed to see in order to be a better pack leader.
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